pp108 : Deleting a Database Configuration

Deleting a Database Configuration

This topic describes deleting a database configuration

Before you begin this task:
You must have the role of a systemAdmin or organizationalAdmin to delete a database configuration.

You can delete a database configuration if it is not being used by any Service Group.

  1. On CUSP > My Applications, click (System Resource Manager). The System Resource Manager window appears.
  2. Click on the toolbar of System Resource Manager window. The Manage Database Configurations page appears.
  3. Select the check box next to the database configuration you intend to delete and click . A dialog box appears seeking your confirmation.
  4. Select Yes to proceed or No to abort the operation.
    The database configuration is deleted.
    Note: You can also delete multiple database configurations, provided none of them are being used by Service Groups.

Related tasks

Creating a Database Configuration
Modifying a Database Configuration
Viewing Database Configuration Usage Report

Related reference

JDBC Details Interface
OLEDB Details Interface